Historic Background of the Delaware & Raritan Canal

By Gordon Perry

In The Beginning

The importance of a transportation route through the central region of New Jersey to link Philadelphia and New York City was recognized by William Penn long before the American Revolution. The conclusion reached by a study commissioned during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson in 1807 indicated that a system of roads and canals would provide for the safe passage of goods and facilitate commerce. The study also indicated that the development of an inland navigation system extending from Massachusetts to Georgia would be an important asset for the developing country.

Although nothing was accomplished on the federal level, several attempts were made by a number of New Jersey canal supporters,

but necessary funds were lacking. Finally, on February 4, 1830, the Delaware & Raritan Canal Company was incorporated by the state legislature with the provision that 5,000 shares of stock would be sold within one year and that the company charter would be withdrawn if the stock was not sold within that time period.

Since early stock sales were very disappointing, Robert Stockton of Princeton sought financial support for the canal building project from his father-in-law, John Porter, who was a wealthy Charleston plantation owner. Porter purchased the shares necessary for the company charter to remain in effect.


Canal construction began in 1830 under the direction of Chief Engineer Canvass White, who gained much experience in building the Erie, Union, Lehigh, and several other canals. The main canal was hand dug and lined with clay by immigrant and local laborers and extended a total of 44 miles from a southern terminus at Bordentown on the Delaware River to its high point of 58 feet at Trenton. The canal then travelled northeastward to tidewater at its northern terminus of New Brunswick on the Raritan River.

Since the elevation change on the main canal was only 115 feet, few locks were needed. Locks were numbered beginning at Bordentown with a total of 7 locks located between Bordentown and Trenton, and 7 additional locks between Trenton and New

Brunswick. Since the canal became part of the Intracoastal Waterway, which provided passage between the Chesapeake Bay and New England, improvements were made to accommodate larger sailing vessels. The main canal was 75 feet wide and gradually deepened from 6 to 8 feet in 1851. Lock chambers were 24 feet in width and originally 110 feet long but increased to 220 feet after 1853. The canal also had several aqueducts, banks covered with stone (rip-rap), swing bridges to allow large vessels to pass, and an operating telegraph system over its entire length to communicate changes in water level, breaks in the canal, problems with the towpath, and to report any boat that violated the 4 mph speed limit. Mules were primarily employed to move boats through the canal, but steam-powered vessels were introduced in 1843.

Water Source

Water for the main canal was supplied from the Delaware River by way of a 22-mile feeder constructed parallel to the river southward to Trenton and measuring 60 feet in width at the surface and 6 feet in depth. The feeder had only 3 locks over its entire length. A wing dam and guard lock, with no lift, was constructed about two miles north of Stockton at Bull’s Island to divert water from the river. A second guard lock, with no lift, was located at Prallsville to prevent flooding from the Wickecheoke Creek. In the summer of 1848, an outlet lock was opened

at Lambertville to allow canal boats loaded with coal from the Delaware Division Canal in Pennsylvania to enter the D&R Canal and deliver coal to eastern markets. The feeder canal was completed under the direction of Ashbel Welch, who succeeded Canvass White as chief engineer. Vessels traveled northward on the feeder as far as Brookville, south of Stockton, and the last manufacturing center and former location of Deats Industries, a producer of stoves, farm plows, and other farm machinery from 1852 to 1881.

A Merger

In 1831, The Delaware & Raritan Canal Company and the Camden & Amboy Railroad Company merged to eliminate competition between the canal and railroad. In 1871, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company leased the canal for 999 years and, after many years of financial losses, ceased operating the canal in 1933. The D&R charter

specified that a state takeover would occur if the canal failed to operate for a period of three consecutive years. Accordingly, the Trenton portion of the canal was deeded to the city and filled in, while the canal south of Trenton was abandoned. The remainder of the canal was turned over to the state of New Jersey in 1937.

Changes & Current Use

The main canal and feeder were converted to a water supply system, and rehabilitation began in 1944 with the replacement of locks with dams to control water flow. The New Jersey Water Supply Authority currently operates and maintains the canal as a water resource. In 1973, the D&R Canal was placed in the National Register of Historic Places and officially designated as the Delaware &

Raritan State Park in 1974.

Today the main canal and the feeder form a linear park used extensively for recreation.  Under the direction of the New Jersey Water Supply Authority, the canal serves as a water supply for about 600,000 customers in Central New Jersey.   

Chorological History of the Canal


Charter granted for the Delaware & Raritan Canal Company and the Camden & Amboy Railroad.


D&R Canal and the C&A Railroad became the Joint Companies.


Canal opened for through traffic.


Connection established to Pennsylvania’s Delaware Division Canal by means of a cable ferry at Lambertville.


Construction began on Belvidere & Delaware Railroad along the original feeder towpath; towpath was moved to the opposite side.


Canal depth dredged to 8 feet.


Locks on main canal lengthened to 220 feet and banks “rip-rapped” with stone.


Peak year for freight — 2,857,233 tons, 83% of which was coal.


Installation of steam powered winches and steam activated valves.


Pennsylvania Railroad viaduct constructed in New Brunswick, thus limiting mast height to 50 feet.


Peak year for pleasure boaters — 941 non-commercial vessels.


Last season for boating.


State took over canal properties.


Construction began to convert canal to a water supply system.


Canal entered on the National Register of Historic Places.


Delaware & Raritan Canal State Park created.

Canal Facts


44 miles from Bordentown on the Delaware River, across the narrow waist of New Jersey to New Brunswick on the Raritan River.

Water Source

Delaware River at Raven Rock, 22 miles north of Trenton.  A navigable feeder brought water to the summit level in Trenton, 57 feet above sea level.  The water then flowed south to Bordentown and northeast to New Brunswick. 


14 locks on the main canal to overcome the elevation changes of 115 feet.  Critical factor in the 19th century industrial and commercial development of the region.  Steam powered winches and valves after 1868.  


Depth of 8 feet.  Locks were 24 feet wide by 220 feet long.  Banks were “rip-rapped” with stone so the vessels could move at a reasonable speed without washing the banks into the canal. 

Bridge Type

Swing bridges that pivoted horizontally so the vessels of any mast height could transit the canal. 

Boats & Traffic

Mule-towed canal boats and sailboats, steam tugs towing barges, freight boats, luxury yachts, and naval vessels from the Schuylkill Canal and the Delaware Division Canal, both in PA, used this waterway.  Tonnage in 1866 was 2,857,233 tons — 83% was coal.  Troops and war supplies during three wars.